Evaluation of curcumin intake in reducing exercise-induced muscle damage in athletes: a systematic review

Tutoria Doctorat en Salut i Psicologia

Popescu-Radu Daniel Vasile, Martinez-López Patricia, Massip-Salcedo Marta & Esquius Laura (2024) Evaluation of curcumin intake in reducing exercise-induced muscle damage in athletes: a systematic review, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21:1, 2434217,…

«Software for data analysis» and «Regression, models and methods»

Tutoria Doctorat en Salut i Psicologia

As part of my training in the Doctoral Programme in Health and Psychology, during the first semester (October – February), I will be enrolled in two key courses designed to strengthen my research skills. The first course,…

2nd International Online Symposium on Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science

Tutoria Doctorat en Salut i Psicologia

I attended the Second International Online Symposium on Nutrition, Health, and Physical Activity in September, where I presented a paper titled «The Influence of Resveratrol on Insulin Homeostasis in Type 2 Diabetic Patients.» Defending this presentation allowed me to develop valuable skills in effectively communicating complex scientific concepts,…